Hidden Nuggets of the Employment Code Act of Zambia, 2016
In 2016, Zambia’s employment regime was reformed by the effect of the Employment Code Act. This law repealed the Employment Act and ushered in new legal provisions regulating the relationship between employee and employer in Zambia. Common novices, include, provisions of severance pay, employment agency and paternity leave. However, this insight takes a further step and highlights ten (10) aspects that may not be well-known or within common knowledge of lawyers and laymen alike. Join us as we unveil the “hidden (yet not-so hidden)” gems of the Employment Code Act of Zambia, 2016. So:
- Did you know that an employer is supposed to pay men and women equal wages for equal work?
- In filling an employment vacancy, did you know that a Zambian citizen who possesses the requisite skills should be prioritized?
- Did you know that the medical information of an employee is strictly confidential?
- Did you know that an employer should now preserve a former employee’s written contract five years from termination of employment?
- Did you know that at the close of each year, an employer is required to pay wages for accrued annual leave for that calendar year?
- Did you know that it is legal for an employee’s salary to be paid via e-payment systems, such as MTN MoMo Money?
- Did you know that a female employee who births a premature child is entitled to extended maternity leave as prescribed by a medical doctor?
- Did you know that an employee is entitled to a rest day of at least twenty-four hours in every seven days served?
- Did you know that each day, an employee is entitled to a health break of at least twenty minutes?
- Did you know that each workplace must have a grievance procedure and code of conduct, as well as, policies on employment, HIV and AIDS, health and wellness, harassment, and performance management?